Filipino Youth Today VS. Old Filipino Youth

      Elders used to compare the Filipino youth today from their generation. We can simply hear it from our parents like when we need budget for school projects, our allowance, or sometimes on the way we speak to them. They would say, "Hey! Don’t talk to me like that. When I was at your age, if I talk to my parents that way... they might kick me off from the house or they would punish me.”  Like what they always say, with just one look of a parent to his child, he already knows what it means. But to protect the children from getting abused, Republic Act No. 7610 was made. It may be one of the reasons why some children are braver now than their parents. 

       It is always upon to the parents on how they would discipline their children and their attitude we see from them is the result of their parent’s way. We Filipinos are known as generous people and we are proud of it. Our tradition stays the same up to know like getting blessed from our grandparents even from the eldest, saying “po and opo”, and being helpful in some ways. In school, when we are not behaving well, our teacher would ask our parents to come. From that simple mistake, a child would never take the risk... but the ones whom you've learned things first. They would see things how our parents thought us. Even those words came out from our mouth, the way we dress up, the way we ask for a favor, and even the way we respect to others. 

       In some cases of our young people now, because of this new generation, they get matured earlier because of having a family without reaching their goals in life. I see some places where only few young people who became professionals and the others get married at their young age. It is important to have a dream but some of us just dream, we do not act like we want to reach it. It always depends to the person and if you really have that goal, then reach it. In some situations, others have excuses. In some ways, we can really see it. There will always been a consequence in every effort we did. Some are just getting tired of doing it, some are not that interested of doing such things. 

       I have been experienced to have a classmate on college who says she didn’t chose the course she’s taking when our professor ask why did we chose it. Because some parents have their own ambitions that they didn’t get when their young that’s why they would be contented if they see it in their children. Maybe that child would just hide the chosen field where he is full of talent or would just say what he really like it. We can really choose what we want but know our limitations at the same time. We are free but in the middle of being young… it’s in our hand if we’re going to get that chance or focus on our study and have that profession. 

1 comment:

  1. ~ this is just my first sample article. Simply true. :)
